Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Love hotel La Cachette

An easy landmark to help spot my backpacker accommodation for the first four nights in Tokyo at Sakura hostel was the neighbouring love hotel. It would have made the directions to the backpacker's much easier.

The glorious, glowing love hotel pulses with colours that flow up the building's facade.

The welcoming entranceway.

The menu board. A decent night for the La Cachette, as most of the rooms are blacked out, i.e. currently taken.

Some flashy interior design in the foyer.

I took someone from the hostel for a look the next night, and although no-one is in the foyer to observe the guests and make them feel awkward, a nervous-looking middle-aged Japanese woman appeared and stuttered out to us, "No foreigners, only Japanese." She seemed very grateful when I explained I was only having a look for curiosity's sake. They have security cameras on everything, everywhere in Japan!

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