Monday, 28 January 2008

Warming party

Marika, Sharon and I

had a party on Saturday.

My mob ended up in my room in the crush - it's nice to have a room so big it can fit a lounge room.

Jem's Christmas package mascot, the blow-up fish (still waiting to be christened) got plenty of love.

Someone created modern art in our toilet.

My room wasn't too worse for wear the morning after.

But the kitchen - as someone once said, what a rude awakening, the house looked like a break-in :D

The party's highlight, the unclaimed falsies we discovered in the linen cupboard, were rather dejected that their time in the spotlight was over.


Anonymous said...

The blog lives once more!! Looks like it was a fun party; mystery-falsies are a sure sign :) - David

Anonymous said...

brilliant xxxxxxxxxxxx
long live the blog