We had a stew-pot dinner with his parents, his brother and sister-in-law, and their two little'uns, Hina (4) and Takumi (2) (see next post for cutesy pictures). Both kids were very shy, and wouldn't even make eye contact or say hi, despite exhortations from all around them.
Along with Asahi beer, I was plied with mum's home brew of plum liqueur, made by setting Wakayama's famous plums with big rock sugar crystals in shochuu (vodka-grade spirit) for a few months before removing the plums. This brew was a couple of years in, and absolutely delicious. The plums were kept in a jar, still in liquor, and I had a couple. The insides of my mouth felt like I'd had an anaesthetic, but they were delicious.
In what's becoming a familiar experience, Take's father struck upon the memory of 'Luke Skywalker', which he enjoyed repeating for a while. Maybe it should be part of my self introduction in Japanese?
Their kitchen has a foot-pedal operated kitchen sink.
Take's father was a policeman, as were his father's father and brother, now retired, but I understand once ran the show at the Wakayama police station. His brother Kouhei is in the national defence force. Take works in administration at a knitting machine manufacturing and service company, as does his father in his retirement.
Take and I headed for a night out locally in Wakayama. We did some Print Club sticker photos, which were heaps of fun - strike poses as instructed by the machine, then decorate the intermediate product with images and writing before printing them out and sending them to your phone. Then we hit the karaoke for a couple of hours before tottering out for a MakkuDonarudozu snack of fries, and I had a McFlurry - or 'furorerii' (I can count too many syllables, I'm sure, and it's damned hard to say) - Kit Kat flavour.
ah ha i finally get how this works, wicked. i feel like i'm travelling along with you so thanks for the journey... lotsa love always emie
Hey Luke,
Just had time to look at your blog. Some great photos - looks like your having an amazing experience.
Plum liqueur, nummy nummies! I saw (ah soh!) a doco not long ago on how they make lemon liqueur in the mountains in Italy - identical to the Japanese plum method. It was an ancient recipe so it's remarkable that the same practice existed at the same time so far away.
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