First you heat the frames in water in a prostrate recycled hot water system, fueled by burning bamboo.
Then you scrape the par-boiled vermin grubs that love the hives out of the slots at the base of the frames. Close-up:
Finally, you scrape the wax from all over the frame, frequently dunking it in the water to keep the wax soft. It's smokey work, often tear-inducing, and the occasional bang of an exploding bamboo segment certainly keeps you awake.
Ono-san popped over to offer me some fresh honey during the morning.
At morning recess, after some lemon ice-tea and a few sweet breads and bikkies, Takashi keeps the chicken gang away from the cat's bread snack. The cats are a bit hen-pecked around here.
I was offered a special treat, the raw egg of a Chinese chicken, pictured continously running away from me.
As Mrs Ono had promised, it was delicious, and the yolk was particularly sweet. When I said as much to Takashi, he explained it was because these were special eggs. Unlike the eggs in supermarkets, these ones are fertilised. No wonder that chicken didn't want anything to do with me.
I chewed through a LOT of eighties music during the day, and was inspired to note down some ideas for music of my own. I have not made time for ONE BIT of my own music-making during my trip.
At knock-off time, Ono-san showed me the little hat stands he'd made for Boss during the day from deer antlers - they'd eaten the meat.
At the end of the day, waiting for my lift home, I spotted a rooster getting a very personal chicken pole dance.
Ono-san also showed me a bee-hive at the back of his place. This one's architecture looked to me to be inspired by shrines.
I thought you might like a chance to see The Komuro's dog Bohgi ('Bogey') at Rokkou Bee Kingdom. To reframe, he is now aged sixteen. He is accorded the rights of a human family member. He eats at the table, fed by Mama and Boss' chopsticks. As he now lacks all his teeth, an endearing, lolling tongue protrudes permanently. Love him.
1 comment:
OMG - you swollowed a chicken fetus! (Mrs G)
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