Kino came to pick me up from the station. She runs some fields, primarily by herself, and distributes to some hotels and restaurants locally and in Tokyo. Kino is 27, and at 173cm is very tall for a Japanese girl. After so long here, and being used to the height of Japanese women, I know she must have spent a lot of here life having people tell her she's tall, it's really a noticeable difference.
We started work this morning at 6am, picking organic vegies - snow peas, cabbage, cauliflower, {unfamiliar purple vegetable whose name I couldn't remember}, and brocolli. Picked until brekky at 9.
Then we washed and wrapped items to be couriered to Tokyo, and crated some others to be used at a local hotel's restaurant. Kino and her mum:
After lunch, we dropped the vegies off at the local hotel. We were required to wear these snazzy overalls and headwear to make sure we didn't make anything nasty.
I was pleased to discover that, unlike most families here, the Inami family have a sweet tooth. Generally, no desserts with dinner in Japan, it's devastating. We had iced fruit poles as a treat in the hot early afternoon. I'm doing a little bit of English teaching to the family, at their request, though they do seem to prefer it when I make out I've forgotten and we can just chatter away in Japanese. Kino has sore insides, so we had half an hour to rest. I had a nap, lovely.
After our break, we set up nets on frames for climbing vegies, then weeded until sunset. Sat another little green frog on my hand for a bit, and decided I love frogs. Saw a long skinny snake. We got back to the house about 8pm. :O Yep, about 14 hours out in the sunshine today, minus lunch and the nap.
A lovely Japanese curry for dinner.
To finish up, must share what may be my best Engrish find so far. I didn't know these were generally available prepackaged, but apparently, in Japan, you can get it by the boxful.
1 comment:
Priceless! Absolute gold, well spotted! - Dai Wei
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