Took some extra onions to the Farmer's Market - Kino prints price tags at the market.
The Market, inside.
Returned to the fields to do some planting - peppers. The dirt hole punching was fun.
But bloody hot work in the 28 degree heat. I was parched, and none too trendy about it.
We popped back to the house for a treat - little icecreams.
There were this many left, and then Kino ate the LOT and there were none for afters that night. But I'm not bitter.
Our finished effort of peppers.
Kino demonstrates that making flowers chains is "one of the basics of being a girl."
We popped back to the Farmer's Market to see how the onions had done - about half had sold. The boss of the market loves roses, and they're everywhere.
We stopped off on the way back and Kino showed me her wheat field. Beautiful!
The wheat is about as tall as I am.
Back at the field, we strung out another couple of nets and Mr Inami chopped weeds down with a mower. He likes machines.
As it grew dark, about 8, Kino and I went to the last field for the day to plant zucchini. The neighbouring field had a scrap heap of coffee grounds which smelt rather good.
Had my Japanese big bath, and swapped some music and photos with Kino before hitting the hay.
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